Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Implants in Denver?

Before you jump into breast implant surgery, or any type of cosmetic surgery, it helps to consider your options and do your research. Knowing exactly what you want, what to expect, and your degree of eligibility for a procedure can help you make a better-informed decision. If you think breast implants may be the solution for you, we at Murphy Plastic Surgery encourage you to find out more. The following is a list of reasons you may wish to opt for this surgery.

Your Breasts are Not a Matching Pair

Many women have breasts that are not in an equal proportion with one another. In other words, they aren’t symmetrical. One breast may be considerably smaller than the other. If you are dealing with breasts that are not balanced, breast implants may be able to correct this problem and provide them with better balance. At Murphy Plastic Surgery in Denver, we are proud to offer the famed Gummy Bear Implant.

Your Breasts Have Lost Their Shape

You may have had full breasts in the past. You may have thought they were perfect, but age took its toll over time. Simply losing weight could have reduced the size of your breasts. If you were pregnant and nursing, you may have experienced breast enlargement only to see your breasts get smaller when breastfeeding was done. If your breasts are not what they used to be, our plastic surgeon can help improve your situation.

You Think More Volume will Make You Look Better

If you love the idea of larger breasts, breast implants can make that happen. Many women simply think it’s great to go big. Our professionals can help you to take your bust to a size that makes you feel happy about your figure.

Ask Your Plastic Surgeon if Breast Implants are Right for You

Our office is an excellent resource if you are serious about breast implant surgery. You will be able to sit down with us to discuss why you think breast implant surgery is right for you. Our professionals will make sure you know what is waiting for you on the road ahead.

For more information on breast implants and what they can do for you, reach out to Murphy Plastic Surgery and book an appointment with us! At our office in Denver, our compassionate staff will be happy to take you through our options, address your questions and concerns, and help you do what’s best for your bust. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!

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