Breast Augmentation in Denver: The Gummy Bear Implant

Having a breast augmentation procedure done can do wonders for some women’s self-esteem. If you live in the Denver, CO area, you are lucky enough to have the option of the gummy bear implant, a new and exciting way to reshape and increase the size of your breasts. People absolutely love both the stability and durability offered by this new option for breast augmentation. You can rest assured that this is a safe option due to that fact that this is an FDA-approved procedure.

What is a Gummy Bear Implant?

These are considered form-stable implants. They are a type of silicone breast implant. You get a thicker consistency with the silicone gel with this option. The name comes from the fact that they will stay intact if cut in half, much like a gummy bear would. In other words, they will not lose their shape if the outer shell is broken. These implants use a high-strength silicone in a cohesive gel, giving you a more natural look and feel.

Advantages of the Gummy Bear Implants

There are a lot of reasons you may choose to get this type of implant for your gummy bear breast augmentation procedure. Some of the highlights include:

  • They maintain their shape.
  • They tend to look smoother.
  • They stay in place.
  • You still have options (Just because these are form-stable does not mean you are stuck with one type of breast shape and texture).

Who is a Good Candidate for Gummy Bear Implants?

This is an ideal breast augmentation procedure for someone wanting to add volume to their breasts without having an unnatural look. If you would like to learn more about the gummy bear implant and what it can do for you, the team at Murphy Plastic Surgery in Englewood, CO would love to talk with you. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation!

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