
Read what our patients are saying about their experiences with Murphy Plastic Surgery. This collection of reviews highlights the top-tier care and exceptional outcomes achieved by Dr. Terrence Murphy and his team, showcasing their commitment to patient satisfaction and excellence.


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Wonderful experience! My experience far surpassed any expectations from start to finish. The staff and Dr. Murphy are both amazingly friendly and caring. Will not hesitate to return for future services. Five stars all around!

Excited to Share my Great Experience! - Denver, CO I couldn't be happier with choosing Dr. Murphy for my breast augmentation. I started out not even being able to fit in to an A cup. Now I am a wonderful 32 C. Surgery only lasted an hour and I was up within 3 days feeling great. I did a lot of research before a choosing my doctor. I can't say anything bad. I had a wonderful experience from consultation to the end. I will forever choose Murphy plastic surgery.

36, 2 Kids, Tired of Looking Pregnant - Englewood, CO I have wanted a tummy tuck since my first child was born 10 years ago. I weighed 120 when I got pregnant, and 220 at the end of it. That kid wrecked my body. I swear, it had nothing to do with all the yummy food I shoveled in my face 24/7. I went to 3 different consultations. They all seemed like great surgeons, and I would have been happy to have any one of them perform this surgery. I chose to go with Dr. Terrance Murphy. I felt really comfortable while I was in his office, and it didn't hurt that he is also throwing in some free lipo on my hips and flanks. He wasn't the cheapest consult I had, nor the most expensive. I'm not 100% sure that I'm supposed to list the pricing information that I have from other doctors but I'm gonna do it because when I was shopping doctors, I would have liked to see what other people were priced at with more than just the surgeon they chose. So, the first Doc I saw was Dr. Hunsicker. She was great. She answered all of my questions, and I only felt slightly ashamed that a stranger was fondling my saggy belly. She made me feel completely at ease. She priced me for just the tummy tuck with no lipo at $9098. That included or, anesthesia, garment, and post-surgical numbing injections. The one thing that turned me off was that she wanted to do a urinalysis on me for nicotine once a week for 3 months because I had recently quit smoking. This wouldn't have been that bad except I would have had to pay out of pocket for each test. I am not anywhere near being made of money so I decided to see a few more Docs before making a decision. I then went and saw Dr. Squires. His staff was great, he was slightly off putting but not enough to make me completely want to write him off. He priced me at 9995. This included the tummy tuck, pain pump, anesthesia, garment, and surgical assistant. I didn't like that he does his procedures so far away, his office was like 20 minutes from my house but the surgery was going to be performed about 1 1/2 hours away. Dr. Murphy's office is very nice. I only waited about 5 minutes before being taken back. I was in 1 room for the initial talk with the Doc. Then I got naked in another room so that he could see how high he could lift my vagina using nothing more than my belly fat. Then I went into yet another room see pics of previous patients and talk about my expectations. Seemed like a lot of room hopping to me but whatever. I am totally psyched and scared -less all at the same time that I'm having this done. I've already paid for my surgery, so it is definitely happening. I'm very excited with an undertone of crap my pants nervous. This site has helped ease a lot of my concerns, and I am grateful that I found it. I am scared shitless. It just kind of hit me while I was at work today that I am paying some guy to drug me and then hack me open like some sort of really bad scary movie. Thank god pot is legal here, cause I'm probably gonna have to start smoking it just to get through the next few weeks. Maybe I'm just having a moment, that lasts all day. I'm just gonna have to keep telling myself that in the end this will all be worth it. More before pics So excited that it's getting so close! Had my preop today. They gave me a whole bunch of scripts, including one for blood thinners that I have to inject myself. Not really sure how that's gonna go, not that I'm scared of needles. I'm just not sure I can throw a needle into my own fat ass without wussing out. I won't be wearing a compression garment when I leave, and will probably only have one drain. I get my super sexy boob to ankle garment at my postop appointment. I got to pose on camera in my underwear which was horrible. I'm super excited and I can't wait to be on the other side of this. I can't wait for this part to be over. The anxiety and worry that I am experiencing is probably worse than the healing will be. Thank God I've got the support of my family and friends, and lots of Valium. I've gotten all of my shopping done, scripts filled, and all the odds and ends purchased. My house is so clean I could have the surgery performed here. The wait is killing me, I just want to be done already. I really can't wait till this thing is gone! Time was going by so fast, now that I have everything ready its crawling. Tomorrow is the big day! Leaving for the surgery center here soon. Not to nervous yet, I had a valium for breakfast and that will hopefully get me to the point when the anesthesiologist gives me something better. Will post pics when I can. See ya'll on the other side! Lots of burning! Had my post op, feels a lot better after they put me in a binder. Tummy looks great so far. Not gonna lie, this sh@! hurts. I'm so glad that the anxious pre-op part is over though. I got to the surgery center at 8:15, they took me over to the procedure room at about 10:30. The Valium that I took before surgery really made it a lot easier to get up on that little bed and let them do there thing. The anesthetist slid an iv in and gave me some ativan, which made me really giggly. The nurse told me she was putting something on my feet and the anesthetist pushed something in my iv that burned really bad. That is all I remember till I woke up, and waking up sucked. I guess I woke up a little crazy and tore some stitches in one of my lipo sites so that's been leaking. I was uber nauseous, and it felt like as soon as I woke up they were putting me in the car to go home. I felt so sick on the ride home, had to jam a compazine in places nothing should be jammed in the car. It killed the sick feeling, made it home without getting sick. The first day sucked, a lot. Getting up hurt pretty bad and I was getting dizzy and lightheaded when I sat on the toilet. Yesterday was a bit better. I was only dizzy in the morning, and once I got the binder at my post-op I felt that the pain was easier to manage. The lipo site that I tore the stitches on leaked like crazy the day of, I thought I was gonna die cause so much was coming out. Kinda funny now but pretty scary when it was happening. Today I'm feeling ok, my back is so so sore when I get up to walk, and coughing sucks. I can't wait to get a better look at my new tummy, the incision is really low and my hubby said that my bb was really cute. I'll post pics after I shower on Friday. Need I say more? I got to shower today, it was exhausting and awesome. I'm really swollen right above my incision and my lady bits are very purple. Feeling a much better, more energy and I no longer feel like I've been tortured. I've been off the Vicodin all day, just taking extra strength tylenol. Not sure if that will last or not tho. 4 dpo This has not been as bad as I thought it would be, and at times its worse lol. I have a bit more energy now and have cleaned the kitchen twice with my kids help and drove myself to a few places. I do keep getting a little breathless at times which sucks, and my ass and thighs look like they could have been bit actors in fifty shades of grey. My incision looks good so far, as does my belly button. Hopefully everything continues going this smoothly. I had to go in and try to have a seroma drained today. I noticed that my belly felt like a waterbed yesterday, I could push the fluid from one side of my tummy to the other. They tried to drain it today but nothing would come out. That needle they push in there is freaky freaky! I watched the first stick and there was no pain cause my belly is still numb right down the middle. That second stick was right where I start having some feeling. It didn't hurt, but I could feel the needle whenever it was moved around. Super creepy! I tried on just about every article of clothing that I own and I've never thought I could look so good. I feel sexy in everything, and that is an amazing thing. I don't look pregnant anymore! I had my 6 week po appointment yesterday. The seroma is gone, and I'm supposed to try not wearing my CG which is easier said than done. As much as I hate wearing it, it helps so much with the muscle soreness and the stretchy feeling around my bb. I have two little spots on my incision that weren't healing, but they have started to shrink and are barely noticeable. Right before my appointment I pulled a huge piece of stitch out of one of the holes. It was so long and felt really gross coming out. I'm still swollen so I didn't see much point in putting up 6 week pics. I look just like 5 weeks. My doc said that I can start doing stuff, but I've already kind of been trying to do stuff lol so I guess I'll try doing more stuff. I'm going back to work next week, which sucks. This has kind of been like a little vacation, if vacations included abdominal beat downs instead of beaches. First bit of real exercise since surgery. Felt great to get back to it! Last night I was able to sleep with my normal amount of pillows, in my bed, with my husband for the first time in 2 months. Usually I have 6 pillows all over the bed and my husband sleeps in a small corner of the bed and I get up at 2am to sleep on the couch. It was amazing! I have never in my life had as much confidence in the way my body looks as I do now. This was absolutely the best thing I've ever done for myself. We went camping for labor day weekend and I literally spent the entire weekend in a bikini. I had one hell of a sunburn, but not once did I feel self-conscious of my body. I am now at the point where I have very little if any swelling at the end of the day. I haven't worn any sort of compression garment since my last update, and I have no pain or discomfort. I am back to the same physical condition as when I started this journey. I am hiking about 10 miles every weekend, and have started doing some easy ab work. Unfortunately my dumb ass has also recently started smoking again. Hopefully quitting will be easier this time since i haven't been smoking for very long. Overall I would tell anyone thinking about getting this procedure to find a great doctor and just do it. Nothing about this was as bad as I thought it would be. The worst part is waiting to have the procedure done.

28 Year Old Beyond Thrilled with my Breast Augmentation Six Weeks Post-op!!!! - Englewood, CO The service I have received from Dr Murphy and is staff has been top notch from the beginning. I felt completely at ease with him as my surgeon as well as his whole medical team. I really liked that his beautiful office was connected to Swedish hospital; hence more regulations than private practices, I would imagine. I felt there was such a wonderful and pragmatic energy throughout the entire expereince and I felt at ease throughout it all. The entire staff answered all my millions of questions and made me feel like a priority throughout the entirety of the surgery and recovery. I also really appreciated Dr Murphy's kindness and honesty. I felt I was given all my options and honest straight forward answers, which I highly value in a medical professional. I would recomend Dr Murphy and his entire staff to any of my friends or family. My friend had her augmentation ten years ago and she recomended him to me, but I also have several other friends who have been beyond pleased. I am a small framed woman (only 5'3) , so didn't want to go too big. I'm also very athletic and I truly am beyond happy with the results. They are symetrical and look beautiful! I feel finally in proportion and love the way I feel. I always had a complex about being flat chested, and feel so liberated to finally not have that feeling anymore, not to mention no more padded bras. I had researched this surgery for almost 8 years, before making the jump and finally making it happen. I'm so grateful I went with Murphy Plastic surgery! My experience here was nothing short of amazing and I'm so grateful I chose Murphy Plastic Surgery. I will also continue to go them for Botox and other facial treatments.

33 One Child - Love my Body! Thanks Doc! - Denver, CO Motivation: I had a pregnancy that left me feeling insecure with my chest and I was unhappy! I got tired of padded bras and swimsuits & being worried all that! I am 12 days post my life changing surgery and am absolutely happy with the results! I have a body I feel good in and that is amazing for me to be able to say!!

450cc, Gummy Bear Ultra High Profile....done and loving them!- Golden, CO I was on RealSelf, left it, came back.....plastic surgery is a really difficult decision. Sometimes I think I am better off being unhappy with my natural self versus the "what if" I am unhappy with the unnatural self. My biggest barrier is just saying, Ok, let's do this! I breastfed three children and, like so many other women, am left with basically skin on top of bones. I put my before's on here, not really self conscious on this website because there are hundreds of women who look just like me. I would love to have salines, just a peace of mind kind of thing. I'm almost 5'10" and do worry about rippling and CC, just like any saline implant gal I suppose. I had a consult with Dr. Vath in Golden, CO (great, great team, office, feeling being there!) and was told I needed a lift. Which is fine, I guess my reservation is that I have seen lots of women with small, saggy breasts like mine that end up with beautiful results. I've also seen a fair number where I think, wow she needed a lift. It's also almost twice the price, however, plastic surgery is something you want to do right the first time. I'd like to do this once now and maybe a re-do later in my 50's (if I had my way). Any thoughts, experiences, any "hey look at my results!" are appreciated at this point. Saw Dr. Murphy for a consultation, he recommended highly cohesive silicone (gummy bears) because of minimal tissue and nothing in the upper pole. My only reservation is how firm the will feel, I'm a bit nervous they will be too hard. But I like the low rate of CC and that should one rupture, the silicone is designed to stick to itself, and not leak out like honey. I wanted a smaller size, but my breast width and extra skin I was advised not go under 350cc, and so doc said 371 mod profile Allergan 410's were the magic number. I trust his judgment and advice. I will go over all of this again on my pre-op date. My biggest reservation is that I will not like them. I read reviews where women were SO sure they wanted implants and once they have them they end up asking themselves, Why didn't I just love what God gave me. Hopefully I'll remember at one point (before nursing three children) God gave me D cups, and my husband and I both loved them! Cheers and here's to the next chapter... My PS recommended highly cohesive (gummy bears) due to my lack of tissue in upper pole (you can damn near see my ribs from top of boob to bottom of boob - not flattering!). Anyhow I've been reading about how firm they are and how they just stick straight up when you lay down, and then your native tissue falls to the side....I'm so torn about what silicone to go with. Just curious if any of you chose the highly cohesive (gummy bears) and how you are liking them and do they drop well and look weird when you are lying down? Do you like how firm they are? Had my pre-op consult and decided to stick with gummy bear implants and we chose 400cc, which put me into the Full height, extra high profile category (my breast width was 12.5cm). I am nervous about the higher profile, but was assured it's only a cm further out than full projection and would help lift my nipples a bit. Doc said going to 450cc in the cohesive implant was necessary (versus "one-size" or 25cc up in regular silicone). I am putting all of my faith in his decision. I liked 350 sizers, but to be honest, couldn't tell a different from 350 to 400. The gal that was helping me told me to pick the larger if I wasn't sure. I got home and immediately started looking for 425-475cc implant pictures are of course freaked out thinking they were WAY too big and obvious. My husband said it'll be fine and found some great looking boobs that calmed my nerves.....thank God people post all of their pictures online, it's like valium for my nerves seeing great looking results in that size range. Surgery done without incidence, which is great. The first 12 hours were pretty rough, and after that it's been smooth sailing. I'm taking one percocet every 4 hours and that manages the pain really well. I have to wear bandage until post op day 3, which is Friday. I keep trying to peek on the top, but all I can see is that my boobs are further apart than I thought 450cc would have been. Also, I can tell they aren't going to be too big! So thanks to all of you who gave support and advice about sticking with the bigger size! More photos to come on friday when I get to see them! It's killing me not to know.... Was instructed not to take off dressing until tomorrow, but the gauze and ace wrap was so loose, it wasn't doing anything anyhow, I could basically turn inside it and could see my nipples and the whole thing anyhow. Husband and I took if off to check out the work, and then wrapped back up a bit tighter than I was. My right is riding higher and more swollen, perhaps because I use my right and I need to give that side a break. Just some photos to log the journey. I think the picture in the shift really puts 450cc into perspective, knowing I have some swelling to lose as well... Day 5, dropping in nicely, still feel pretty stiff. Reading others with similar implants, sounds like it takes a while for them to soften up. I can tell I am swollen on the outside of my breasts, near my armpits. Only taking one percocet at night since morning of day 3. Had the stitches out today and the nurse said I could start my scar healing; went with Scar Away silicone sheets from Amazon. Cleaned the scars with hydrogen peroxide first and put on the first silicone dressing. Not sure what to compare it to, but it certainly doesn't seem like it'll hurt. I think they are dropping nicely, my right seems to be stubborn and hanging out a bit higher and firmer. The sides of my boobs have finely started to soften up and are less sore. Loving them more now than previous posts! They have settled, softened and really look natural (as natural as implants look).

I was very impressed with the service I received from Dr. Murphy's office. Everyone there is extremely nice, caring, and willing to help you in any way that they can. Dr. Murphy himself makes you feel comfortable with his abilities and he talks you through everything. Scheduling is faster than I've ever seen at any plastic surgeon and appointments are on time. Everyone there was great to me and so beyond compassionate! I would recommend them to anyone.

Wanting Bigger - Englewood, CO I'm a 36 B right now and really hoping to be at least a DDD. I'll be getting 700ccs high profile under the muscle with silicone in the crease. I'm about 3 1/2 weeks out and I can't wait!!!! Still trying to gather everything for my recovery and get organized. I'm ready to have it done and be totally healed. I'm BA is in two weeks, I'm getting nervous and excited!!! Not sure how I should prepare my house for it. Any of you ladies have any advice other than clean it? I meant to say my BA is in two weeks So because they are putting my implant under the muscle we are doing an 800cc instead of 700cc. I wanted to scream at the appt because I'm so excited. Bring on the big cans!!!! This time next week I'll be home with Boobs!!!!!! I'm getting nervous!!!!! So I had my BA this morning and I feel great! My doctor and his staff are amazing and made it very relaxing!!! I only had tough pain for a few hours. This has been a million times easier than I thought it would be. I'm able to lift my arms up with no pain and pull up my pants without pain either. I'm loving my results!!!! I've hit the point where I'm over the recovery and just want the pain gone. It's not horrible just annoying. The thought of eating grosses me out but you have to eat to take pills. I stopped taking my pain killers because I hate that I did nothing but sleep. Been using extra strength Tylenol which helps but not as much. I feel like this has been a bitchy post but I'm tired and I'm a . Lol I'm a week out from my BA. So right now I'm measuring between a DD/DDD, is this my size or will I get bigger?

Great Experience, Wonderful Attention to Details by All Staff! - Englewood, CO I have been a patient of Dr.murphy's for several years. I have seen him for breast augmentation,cool sculpting, Botox and skin care. I am a nurse so I pay very close attention to all of the details in any medical office I go to. Dr. Murphy and his staff have been extremely professional, knowledgeable, and caring from the minute I stepped foot in the office. The office is clean and has all of staff's credentials are in plain view. Dr. Murphy spent over an hour reviewing the procedure with me on my first visit. Then again on my second visit he spent even more time going over all pre-op questions I had. I did not feel rushed to make a decision on size of my implants, it's such a huge decision. He even let me "check out" some implants to take home to try in a bra with all my clothes at home. This was something no other doctor(I had 3 consults) offered. I had some strange night sweats following the procedure and called his nurse, she was very knowledgeable and reassured me that it was prob the pain meds. Later that day Dr Murphy called me himself from vacation(out of the country!!) to see how I was feeing. This was such a reassurance. He saw me multiple times at post op visits and was always very good at addressing all concerns. The anesthesiologist was also really good! I always get sick with anesthesia and I voiced my concerns to him. He assured me I would not be sick and gave me a perfect combination of drugs to prevent nausea yet control the pain. I am thrilled with my size, scars and overall look. From the girls in the front office to the doctor himself, this office is top notch and I would reccomend any friend to go here.

I'm not going to lie, this was my first cosmetic surgery experience and so my review reflects only my personal satisfaction with Dr. Murphy. I think the most glowing summary I can give is, from start to finish, he's been wonderful to work with, listens to my requests, offers suggestions and explains them, and has done such a remarkable job that I would not hesitate to schedule further surgeries with him (though I'm hoping not to need them!) I had several facial procedures as well as breast augmentation. I have researched multiple surgeons online and spoken to a few. I picked Dr. Murphy when I had not come across a single negative review or person unhappy with their results. His office is comfortable and everyone on the staff is friendly, experienced, and willing to answer questions. I'm impressed at the efficiency of the entire office. There's almost no waiting, appointments are on-time, and very little redundant or unnecessary procedures. Barbara handled all of my documentation and fees and was wonderful to work with, ensuring that I was completely comfortable with everything. The documents very thoroughly outlined pre and post-surgery care and took away worry over missing anything. In every step I felt they cared about my satisfaction and wanted me to achieve the results I desired. The day of surgery everything was handled precisely and efficiently, keeping my nervousness to a minimum, and explaining everything that was happening in detail. I had a little more nausea then I'd expected and my caretaker was able to reach Dr. Murphy late in the evening of the first day and get a prescription for additional medicine. I look forward to visiting his office on post-surgery followups. Everyone shows genuine interest in my progress, making the entire process enjoyable. And have I gotten the results I wanted? Absolutely! I am very impressed that Dr Murphy was able to keep stitches small and/or hidden and I'm looking forward to a full and flawless recovery.
